The bad thing about living some where for a while is that you accumulate stuff that you have forgotten about. Somedays I wonder if this packing and moving loads over to the new house at like 10 o'clock at night and ocd moving cleaning will never end. It now finally feels like we halled more stuff to the new house and have less in the basement now.What an accomplishment! hahaha.
Last night I discovered that the first time we will be to our new ward together (depending on what time its at) is in like 6 weeks. The first weekend we will be unpacking and I have to work :P. The second weekend we will be up to Boise for my cousins wedding. The third weekend I have to work again and unpack more since were working a lot and from being gone all the time. Then the next weekend is out anniversary, but we will see how that goes because we were planning to go somewhere. The weekend after I have to work. BUT! The weekend after that We can FINALLY be in church together.
My birthday was this past weekend. The big 21. Whoo! For my birthday my grandparents came down and Dave and my sister and mom and grandma went window shopping where I got a night shirt from my mom, and a new shirt from myself. Then we all went out to dinner at Olive Garden for my birthday dinner. I also got a cute card and some birthday money from the Cooks (Thank you!) and another cute card from my grandparents. I was so grateful that my family could be with me to celebrate my birthday.Yes, unfortunatly thats all that happend. I did not leave anything out. I was hoping for a huge party or something, but I guess that only happens in movies or tv shows. lol.